Saturday, January 30, 2016

thermotron Best Of Thomas Bannach and Holland Michigan church goer

Monday, June 10, 2013

Workplace Bullying-- thomas bannach thermotron training

yes when
thomas bannach started to drum out and harass his co workers  he started with joyce palmer m then valerie , then Cheryl-- black who married mark black from apple computer, then Virginia norris-- in --

Gee isn't thomas bannach  said they had an attitude problem--- a yes at thermotron--- you have an attitude problem--

just before they drum you out, and slande you

Workplace bullying: why me? it dosent matter what do do to any one

yes at thermotron employee's lasted only about 4 to 6 months with thermotron and the gang of liars and thieves--

gregory v johnson and thomas bannach bragged that it didn;t mater what you did to anyone or said about your co workers  them so long as you got away with it

Thomas bannach-- just a Holland Michigan church going pervert

he said it's OK -- to lie cheat steal embezzle and slander your co worker 

and assassinate their character

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