Monday, February 8, 2016

thermotron Workplace Bullying - make it hard on your co worker

thermotron former employee

ya dean tripp .. is a good example of what happens when U get the life sucked out of U by thomas bannach and thermotron

dean tripp/ former manager.... former sales

ya good old dean tripp in farmington new mexico..

is a former sales man .. and he ws telling me that the big success he 
had in sales.. was he helped secure a 25,000 dollar sale... it was a big
moment in his carreer at thermotron.. then chuck asked him to be the 
service dispatcher/manager in LA california.. and it was all down hill 
from there...

he ended his carreer at thermotron .. by being a 
lying lacky whore for tom bannach.. his job was to lie to angry 
customer's and lie to his co-workers.. and cheat on his time sheet, and 
travel time.. then berry wright .. tom bannach's replacement .. told him
"IT IS TIME 4 U TO QUIT" AND move onnnnnnn..

when berry right asked me what i thought about dean tripp..

told him... welll tom bannach sends him to lie to me and he likes 
gregory V johnson's lies and spreads those lies around.....He lies to 
.. and they STEAL N embezzle a 

CALL.. he is a good example of a thermotron long term SENIOR field 
service engineer.. who lacks technical skill, and ability!!

1 Dean Tripp 
Dean E Tripp
Fredericksburg, TX
Farmington, NM
Newbury Park, CA
Northridge, CA

OR give thomas bannach a call.. he is in the BOOK.. 
and he is a FORMER service manager, just like roger cannarey, Dave waterfiled.. and many many others...
Deanna R Tripp
Nancy R Tripp

thermotron holland michigan son of a queer dave Bannach

son of a queer dave Bannach

son of a pervert thomas bannach

son of a pervert bannach and thermotron family training

by sonofaqueerdavidbannach

thermotron Compilation Demo- management training with thomas bannach

thermotron Compilation Demo- management training with thomas bannach

yes indeed
thomas bannach when he was the west coast manager —Image

he said Roger cannady and associates, let him do his “own thing” and besides he “pay–ed his dues”  when he worked for Bob –less– Wiley
and Bob Wiley told his “inner circle ” that  they could lie to him — about the co-workers — on the job so long as they didn’t get him in trouble —-
thomas bannach said every service technician was a manager and they could lie cheat steal embezzle defraud their co workers and the customer a little bit “every-Day”
so long as they did it behind their back— because  every one he know is like that!!!
This allowed Thomans bannach to defraud 90 % of his co workers— and drum then out!!
Dean tripp said thomas Bannach was a lier and thief when he worked for him– and then he really didnt have good character–
BUT Mark Strain — said Bannach was the “most honest — lier slander and thief ” that he has ever met!!
When thomas bannach — asked an employee– if they wanted to go into management at thermotron– that Emoloyee– said — hell no– you r a lier anc sheat– why would i want that??
Thomas Bannach said “it OK to be currupt and lie cheat and embezzle” because every one is like that !
Gregory V Johnson in the San Fransisco office– agreed with his and spent 3 years robbing the customers and defrauding his co workers–
then Berry Wright — who replaced thomas bannach as a west coast manager– said to his co-workers– Gee don’t you think thomas Bannach is a nice guy???
the answer of ” nooo tom B is a liar deceiver and a slander thief and pervert “protector”
Welll Berry Wright only lasted about a year..

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

thermotron manager mode training B-some—body

ok sure you don’t have an education– at thermotron– college is not necessary for management or sales
and remember after training at thermotron you can apply for a job at ESPEC–
or at Russles technical products–

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Contact Tamera Kennedy— for your own opportunity to be a liar and a thief at THERMOTRON


jim roelofs – “What if you’re wrong?” bo bjarno

yes as a note– thomas bannach and bo bjarno started with joyce palmer — then psaint- then Von– then Cheryl black–  then Virgina norris–

yes being an abusive pervert and drunk– is normal at thermotron– “make it HARD on your co worker” is the directive of thermotron management –


jim roelofs fires    bo bjarno

Jim Roelofs is here but kicking back a little, we have tried to give him more responsibility several times and he says “No thanks”.
He’s reached that stage where he realizes responsibility has more drawbacks that positives and is real comfortable where he is – smart.
It amazes me how things repeat themselves and if you just pay attention to history you have a pretty good idea of what’s going to happen next.Hope things are well with you .Tom P.
interesting that jim r is with u.. because “Curt” who replaced bo bjarno.. said all he did at thermotron was walk around with a good grip on his ankles..
When we told chryel the 4th secretary that left the office, to mention to tom bannash .. that bo bjarno was drunk every day and it scared her..
all jim roelofs did was conspire to defraud him..
I had worked with him for 2 years drunk and asked dick Mc Kinley about it .. when he was hired..
But thomas bannach and bo bjarno — started the employee harrasment with Joyce palmer
and it continued with 3 or 4 more people over the next 2 years..
lying cheating stealing harassment and defrauding employees
this is the Thermotron model for management behavior–
and as Gregory V Johnson spent his time — stealing and robbing the customer and functioning as a false wittness for thomas bannach–
Contact Tamera Kennedy—  for your own opportunity to be a liar and a thief at THERMOTRON
as Bo bjarno style was get the customer or any one drunk .. and then find out how much money they had in the budget.. he was a flaming alcholic/..
and with greg johnson the pet thief, embezzler and banniah’s false wittness.. it was a pretty horrible place to work..

yes and DEAN TRIPP said thomas bannach was a dishonest lier and slander and thief — when thomasd bannach worked 4 him

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