Wednesday, June 1, 2016

thermotrom and Father Guido Sarducci's offers a cheap education

hermotron -- management ---Father Guido Sarducci's offers a cheap education-- fred plont i fix leaks--

Fred plont -- after 30 years at thermotron

  1. Fred Plont | LinkedIn
    Clarkston, Michigan - ‎Field service engineer at Weiss Envirotronics, Inc.
    View Fred Plont's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest ...Fred Plont. Field service engineer at Weiss Envirotronics, Inc. Location ...
  2. Fred Plont profiles | LinkedIn
    View the profiles of professionals named Fred Plont on LinkedIn. ... Title: Field service engineer at Weiss Envirotronics, Inc. Demographic info: Greater Detroit ...
  3. fred plont | LinkedIn
    Detroit, Michigan - ‎field service technician at Thermotron Industries
    View fred plont's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest ...Fred Plont. Field service engineer at Weiss Envirotronics, Inc. Greater Detroit ...

Father Guido Sarducci's offers a cheap education

Manufacturing Jobs That Don't Require a College Degree

There are jobs all over the place for people with experience, good skills and a college degree.

If you don't have all three of those, particularly if you don't have a
college degree, landing employment can be trickier. Here's an idea.

Thermotron Industries in Holland is holding an open interview day on
July 13, looking for as many as 20 people to work in its assembly

No college degree required - although you have to have a high school
diploma or a GED and it helps to have gone to community college because
these jobs require the ability to think.

You don't need and Education to work at Thermotron..just a GED



To grow and improve as individuals and as a company.


Thermotron will use the precepts of quality to grow and continuously
improve our company and employees to meet or exceed the expectations of
our customers.


Manufacturing Support-Refrigeration/ HVAC focusProductionHolland
Manufacturing Support-Refrigeration/ HVAC focusProductionHollandMichigan
Field Service / HVAC/Refrigeration/ RIField ServiceProvidenceRhode Island
Field Service Refrigeration / hvac / CTField ServiceNew HavenConnecticut
Capital Equipment Technical Sales, Atlanta GASales and MarketingAtlantaGeorgia
Manufacturing Support- Mechanical Assembly focusProductionHollandMichigan
Field Service Technician Refrigeration / hvac / HoustonField ServiceHoustonTexas
Capital Equipment Field / Technical Sales Reading, UKSales and MarketingReading / Oxfordshire
Field Service / HVAC/Refrigeration/ RIField ServiceProvidenceRhode Island
Field Service Refrigeration / hvac / CTField ServiceNew HavenConnecticut
Capital Equipment Technical Sales, Atlanta GASales and MarketingAtlantaGeorgia
Manufacturing Support- Mechanical Assembly focusProductionHollandMichigan
Field Service Technician Refrigeration / hvac / HoustonField ServiceHoustonTexas
Capital Equipment Field / Technical Sales Reading, UKSales and MarketingReading / Oxfordshire

Saturday, April 6, 2013

thermotron management training - Must Have Been A Woman Pilot

Pageview chart

my name is fred plont--- wakey wakey

Plont was quite the exceptional Thermotron field service engineer
where it didn' t even matter if you did a good job or a bad job..

Geee.. Uuu have a $300.00 slush fund and and paycheck?

what do you expect?? Gooie lee.. that Office budget.. stood out like a "sore thumb"!! What did you expect !!!

good.. job.. but does she put OUT ??

Gee.. with proper training at thermotron.. Uuu will never have to "Put OUT"

Thermotron is looking for a Dynamic field service technician

u backstabber at Uuu BACK STABBER - 2 years ago
Bbbb some...body!

Thermotron Employment Opportunity

I wanted to be a field service technician .. and now i is one!! I
wanted to be a manager... and now i is 1.!!! i wanted a regular
check... and now i have one!!!! i wanted to be a Thermotron sales
engineer... But now they call me a liar and a whore ????
!!! So Mr.. magic man.. take me home again !!!

All Temp Engineering... Ask Mitch Kerr

Kerr is a typical .. service manager.. in the environmental chamber
business.. when you look at the training he got at Thermotron.. Russles
tech products.. ENSECO.. and ESPEC... with tom patterson.. don't ask
him for toooo much ..

Thermotron National sales Manager

If u ck out history..National sales
Manager' national Service managers they come... they...go... 
1st.. Dick McKindley...his claim 2 fame...
i think it was eating .. lunch.. and asking "what do U think?" and
teaching the salesman to say the all important "phrase" 'THAT WILL BE
EXTRA !!!!!"
dick's replacement..JIM Roulff's his claim to fame..was.. conspiring
to "build a case against all the salesman that Dick Mckinley hired."
get your own crew.
.. so loyality is the 1st consider.. His replacement was and is ..some guy.... more »

thermotron former replacement manager sales

ya dean tripp .. is a good example of what
happens when U get the life sucked out of U by thomas bannach
and thermotron ... business... policy dean tripp/ former manager....
former sales ya good old dean tripp in farmington new mexico.. he is a
former sales man .. and he was telling me that the big success he had
in sales.. was he helped secure a 25,000 dollar sale... it was a big
moment in his carreer at thermotron.. then chuck asked him to
be the service dispatcher/manager in LA california.. and it was all
down hill from there.. ... more »

thermotron former employee

A job lost and perspective gained MIKE DRUMMOND Kevin Holt of
Gastonia bears little likeness to the chiseled warriors depicted in
Army posters. He's 41, heavyset and has a habit of pushing his
eyeglasses to the bridge of his nose. He's a citizen-soldier. The
former sailor enlisted in the National Guard in July 2004 as a way to
supplement his income and heed a call to service. Last summer, between
supervising a chow line at Camp Speicher outside Tikrit, Iraq, and
running food convoys, Holt sat at dusty computer keyboards, hunting and
pecking the answers to his online college course... more »

ALL TEMP ENGINEERING.. field serivce training

it's true... all temp engineering is really the best Field service trained group of ?? 
.. on the west coast .. and maybe .. in all of San Jose..
: well 2 reasons come to mind... they all have experience with
. because mitch kerr (service manager) and
Dane.. CeO... Both .. have experience working with Bob
Wiley...thermotron National Service Manager.. and got their training
with ..
 John TenBrink...
 Thomas Bannach...
 Tom patterson... 
Mike Barrs..and the long term...
 DEAN TRIPP... former sales man.. service ma... more »

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

One Night in Bangkok - Murray Head (HQ Audio)


Dont you want to go into management NOW??

over the thirty years -- i have had dealings with thermotron customer support-- i have NOT met any one person who has not been trained to be a dishonest deceiteful and a backstabber

the philosophy -- of a holland michigan church going whore-- is really set in concrete

need more proof-- talk to Fred Plont as his career at thermotron-- demonstrates -- these rules

and ony one who has not worked any where else-- is just a gear in the corrupt culture at thermotron 

it' s not a lie if you believe it

the faith in words and deeds. Witness is an act of justice that establishes the truth or makes it known. 

All Christians by the example of their lives and the witness of their word, wherever they live, have an obligation to manifest the new man which they have put on in Baptism and to reveal the power of the Holy Spirit by whom they were strengthened at Confirmation.
(Catechism 2472)
II. Put away falsehood –
Scripture bids us, Therefore, putting away falsehood, let every one speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. (Eph 4:22-25) 

So the Eighth Commandment upholds the goodness and beauty of the truth, exhorts us to celebrate it and instructs that we must avoid all sins against the truth. There are numerous ways that the we can sin against the truth. It will be fruitful for us to consider them each in turn, along with some distinctions.
III. False Witness
- Nothing can be so injurious to individuals as to harm their good name or reputation. Without a good reputation it becomes difficult for an individual to successfully relate to and interact with others whether it be for business or merely at a personal level. 

Clearly, to bear false witness against someone is to harm their reputation and we are forbidden to do so.
In the technical sense, false witness is something which takes place in a court of law and since it is under oath it is also called perjury.
But it is also often the case that false witness is given in daily matters through lies, half truths, exaggeration, and the like. 

Clearly our call to love the truth and to respect the reputation of others forbids us engaging in such activities.
Respect for the reputation of others also forbids us from:
A. Rash judgement – assuming without sufficient foundation the moral fault of a neighbor
B. Detraction – disclosing an other’s faults and failings without a valid reason to others who did not know them
C. Calumny – imputing false defects to another with the knowledge that they are false.
Yet it is also possible to offend the truth by
D. Inappropriately praising others
E. By refusing to correct them when it is proper to do so.
F. Flattery distorts the truth when it falsely attributes certain good qualities or talents to another. This is usually done to ingratiate oneself to individuals or for some other ulterior motive(s).
Such behavior becomes particularly sinful when it confirms another in malicious acts or sinful conduct.
IV. Lying
A lie consists in speaking a falsehood with the intention of deceiving…Lying is the most direct offense against the truth. 

To lie is to speak or act against the truth in order to lead into error someone who has the right to know the truth.
By injuring man’s relation to truth and to his neighbor, a lie offends against the fundamental relation of man and of his word to the Lord…The Lord denounces lying as the work of the devil: “You are of your father the devil, . . . there is no truth in him….he is a liar and the father of lies.” [Jn 8:44]….
By its very nature, lying is to be condemned. It is a profanation of speech, whereas the purpose of speech is to communicate known truth to others. The deliberate intention of leading a neighbor into error by saying things contrary to the truth constitutes a failure in justice and charity…
A lie does real violence to another. 

It affects his ability to know, which is a condition of every judgment and decision…Lying is destructive of society; it undermines trust…and tears apart the fabric of social relationships
. (Catechism 2482-2485)
Acts of lying are sins from which we must repent. Lying is also a sin that demands reparation. That is to say, since lying causes actual harm and real damage. These damages must be repaired. The actual truth must be made known to those who deserve to know it. The reputations of others which have been harmed by the lie must also be restored.
V. Is lying always so evil?
The gravity of a lie is measured against the nature of the truth it deforms, the circumstances, the intentions of the one who lies, and the harm suffered by its victims. (Catechism 2484). Thus there are big lies and smaller ones. Nevertheless, it is always wrong to intentionally lie.
This includes so called “polite lies.”

For example suppose a phone call comes in for someone in the household who has indicated a preference not to be disturbed just now. 
It is a lie to say, “She is not here.” Yet you could say, “She is not available now.” 
Other social situations are less simple! For example, if Mrs. Smith asks you, “Do you like my new hairstyle?” Suppose you do not. It is in fact wrong to say, “Yes, I like it.” Granted, we all feel a bit stuck in such situations! Perhaps we could answer truthfully but discreetly and say, “You look alright.” (Presuming that we do think so).
But wouldn’t it be nice if we actually felt secure enough either to indicate, charitably, our true feelings or to indicate our preference not to answer the question? Wouldn’t it be even nicer if our relationships with others were so based in sincerity and truth, that people both gave and expected honest answers? It is to this blessed state that the Lord points when he says, 

Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ (Mt 5:37).
VI. What about secrets?
– This reflection has thus far emphasized the goodness and the splendor of the truth as well as the importance of communicating that truth to others who need it. However, as the Catechism states:
The right to the communication of the truth is not unconditional..Fraternal love…requires us in concrete situations to judge whether or not it is appropriate to reveal the truth to someone who asks for it. 

The good and safety of others, respect for privacy, and the common good are sufficient reasons for being silent about what ought not be known or for making use of a discreet language.
The duty to avoid scandal often commands strict discretion. No one is bound to reveal the truth to someone who does not have the right to know it…Everyone should observe an appropriate reserve concerning persons’ private lives.
Those in charge of communications should maintain a fair balance between the requirements of the common good and respect for individual rights.
Interference by the media in the private lives of persons engaged in political or public activity is to be condemned to the extent that it infringes upon their privacy and freedom.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

thermotron harassment training -- Do I Look Like An Idiot YouTube2

thermotron management training -- when thomas bannach and his gang of liars and embezzlers and drunks-- as in
Bo Bjarno sales engineer -- and Gregory V Johnson -- who bragged that it did not matte what lies you say about your co workers--

he said -- thomas Bannach -- and he -- conspired to defraud all their co workers--

Thomas bannach did tell his group that it was OK to lie cheat steal embezzle -- every day -- becasue  every one he knows is like that--

yes -- and the list goes on and on

The Many D'ohs of Thomas Bannach- Thermotron--Employee harassment of Joyce palmer

Training with Thomas Bannach-- don't you want to go into "Management"?

0:48The Simpsons - Lie Detectorby Hulu7,412,521 views

Joyce P. Palmer –


- the 1st person thomas W Bannach drummed out and harassed Thermotron


-- where we treat you like family


Thermotron drumed out everyone in the San-jose office-- starting with—

 Thomas Bannach bragged he could defraud his co workers- that is is ok to lie cheat and defraud—and if you don’t agree—than well YOU –have an attitude problem—


And OH I didn’t know you were that KIND..


Thomas bannach would then tell other employee’s to “make it hard “ on you, and when Roger cannady was contacted – his answers was “ Well I will accept your resignation” if you don’t like the way things are..


And When human Resources at thermotron was contacted—well they were “really bussy”


And because Thomas bannach liked to call his co-workers GAY behind their back—he would make some snide comment about “their Character--


And oh is that what you are??


- even the last person to leave  was Harry Grace—


 when Dick McKinley the national sales manager was contacted –about Joyce Palmer

- and was informed that thomas bannach , and Bo Bjarno was lying and harassing her-- he apoliged -- but she quit any way-

- (wise woman that she was)

 Over the next 2 years -- the support staff only lasted 6 months—

 and as Vergina Norris said-- Well if they are going to lible and slander you well –

- i quiting also--- Yes at thermotron-- being a lying pervert and slander is considered "normal"


Yes in Holland Michigan – being QUEER or a PERVERT is protected and is encouraged,

Not so with people who don’t fit in—as Mark Lamers says—GOOD people don’t work at thermotron for too long!!




 Joyce P. Palmer Beloved mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, cousin and friend.

 Joyce passed away peacefully with her loving family at her side on 12/28/2006 after a courageous battle against cancer.


Born Joyce Paula Mazzella on 2/9/1938 to Delia (d) and Phillip Mazzella (d) in Newark, New Jersey.

She graduated valedictorian from Bloomfield High School and attended Northwestern University where she earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Journalism in 1959.

While at Northwestern she met Geoffrey (Jeff) M. Palmer (d).

 They married in 1960 and settled in San Jose in 1963 where they raised their three children.


A dedicated mother, Joyce felt great pride from her family's accomplishments. Joyce's desire to help people lead her to Santa Clara University where she earned her Masters of Arts Degree in Counseling Psychology in 1985.


 In January of 1987 she received her Marriage Family Therapist License and opened a private counseling practice where she continued to see clients until her passing. She also worked as a counselor for the San Jose Unified School District and Pine Hill School.


As a counseling supervisor at Almaden Valley and Teen & Family Counseling Centers and a Counseling Psychology Practicum Supervisor at Santa Clara University Joyce shared her passion and knowledge of counseling with her interns and students.


 Joyce was generous to family and friends, giving to charities and a fond supporter of the arts. Joyce's kind, warm, welcoming presence always led to a home full of family and friends.


 A renaissance woman, Joyce enjoyed traveling, especially to Italy, and season tickets to the ballet, theater, symphony, Giants and her beloved 49ers. Joyce's greatest thrill in life came with the births of her grandchildren and she loved nothing more than being a grandma and spending time with them.


 Joyce was a loving mother to her children Gail, Donna, Grant, and his wife Nancy and grandmother to Joya and Miles.


Joyce was devoted to her brother Roger Mazzella, long time companion, Galvin Jackson, sister-in-law Lynne Palmer, nieces, nephews and cousins. Joyce had a loving and caring nature that endeared her as a mother figure to many. Joyce will be remembered for the love she gave to everyone and deeply missed by all.


 Private services to be held. In lieu of flowers the family requests that donations be made in memory of Joyce P. Palmer to: The Lung Cancer Alliance at or Almaden Valley Counseling Center 6529 Crown Blvd. #D San Jose, Ca. 95120.


 Published in San Jose Mercury News on January 13, 2007 Prin - See more at: oyce P. Palmer


 This Guest Book will remain online permanently courtesy of The Palmer Family. •


 Sign Guest Book• Add Photo to Gallery• Light a Candle Add a message to the Guest Book July 03, 2013 It's been awhile since Joyce's passing.


I still think of her often, and I still miss her. I know of others who loved Joyce, as well, and we still speak so very fondly of her.


We speak of her sense of humor, and her compassion. Most often we speak about how we wish Joyce was still with us, and how we know what Joyce would say if she was.


 And we find much comfort in that. We share about how sometimes we are out and about and we see someone with a cute, short, blonde bobbed haircut, and we think it is her.


 I do feel Joyce with me, often, and I'm grateful for that. I loved her very much. ~ Denise R., San Jose June 12, 2011 Joyce was my counselor during the Pine Hill years when I was in junior high and a little of high school, and then off and on after that.


I learned that she passed in 2008 but was not sure where this site was. My Dad who she knew passed away in 2009 (former Mayor Bob Browne of Milpitas, non-hodgskins lymphoma). A lot of stuff was going on at the time. I remember her tiny striped kitty that was so small. She was a no-nonsense, personable and smart individual which as a child I didn't really get, or respect entirely, but I was a teenager.



 She was the voice of the SELF class teachers. (1983-87). Now she has gone where no one has gone before. She is missed. Also her Transformer name was Joyce-beak after the condor robot, Laserbeak. :) Adam Mayer Browne, struggling science fiction writer, journalist, etc. Pine Hill, class of 1989 Evergreen College, class of 94 San Jose State University, BA English, 98, BS, journalism, 08. PS. I think I met Gail or Donna in 1986. Hi. ~ Adam Browne, Milpitas, California Contact Me September 14, 2007 Dear Palmer Family, I just wanted you to know that we continue to think of you all. May God continue to bring you peace, Love,


The Tomassi Family ~ Andrea Tomassi, Fremont, California Contact Me May 22, 2007 I was shocked to find out about Joyces passing. My heart goes out to her family and close friends. She was a very special lady!!!! I saw Joyce from 1993-1999 off and on for my divorce. She help me out of co-dependency on others and help me to depend on myself emotionally and financially. I was recently trying to get hold of her to tell her about my re-marriage, which she helped convince me to put off until I was ready.


 She would be happy to know I waited 12 yrs. I will always be indebted to her for saving me. She will always be with me in my heart and soul. It was such an honor to have known her. ~ Denise Falconio, Cameron Park, California Contact Me May 13, 2007 Joyce, Remembering you today on this very special day and always. Love, Andrea ~ Andrea Tomassi, Fremont,

California Contact Me - See more at: March 06, 2007 Joyce, We find it very hard to not pick up the phone and call you. Memories of you come into my mind so often. As I scroll through my phone and your name shows up, I just can't hit the delete button, as my son talks of you and cries for you, As I'm struggling with a tough decision or just need to talk to you. It brings me such saddness that I just can't pick up the telephone and call you. I then go to my peaceful place where I keep telling's not a forever thing!


 I WILL see you again, although maybe not soon enough for me,


 I WILL SEE YOU AGAIN! We finally told Angelo of your death, on what just happened to be on your Birthday. We miss you terribly and think of you often!


 I love you. ~


 Andrea Tomassi, Fremont, California Contact Me January 19, 2007 Gail, Donna, Grant, Nancy, Joya and Miles, How special to read about so many lives touched by your Mom/Grandma. She will live on in so many hearts.


 With all of our deepest sympathy, Tom, Julie, Andrew and Allison ~ Tom Major, Aliso Viejo, California Contact Me January 17, 2007 Dear Gail, Donna & Grant, I met your Mother somewhere around 1992. My husband and I were married only four years at that time. Joyce has helped us through many difficult times and sorrows over years.


My husband and I have three kids and will be married 19 years this May. Joyce has played a huge part over the last 15 years in our marriage, our other personal relationships and those of our children.


Our eight year old son was especially close to your Mother. In his own words he wrote in a card to your Mother (mailed the day after New Years), that he felt she was part of his family. It saddens me that she was never able to read the card he wrote. I hope that somehow she already new.


 I'm sure I don't have to tell you what a wonderful woman she was, you all know better than any of us. But I did want to share a few funny stories with you that she has shared with us over the years. They are truly examples of the unselfish, extrordinary, wonderful woman she will always be remembered as. One particular week my son saw Joyce, she was so proud of his progress that week, she said she was going to do something for him she hadn't done in about five years. It was something called the "HAPPY DANCE".


 She expained that it was a dance she and her brother made up when they were little, and continued the tradition today whenever they saw each other. It consisted of a "whoo, whoo" and waiving her hands in the air like the 'hokey pokey' then shaking her hips from left to right. It was the funniest thing I ever saw.


I remember my son fell to the ground in laughter. Joyce and I couldn't stop laughing either.


 That's exactly how she was.

 She was always able to get to down to his level and relate to him, it's just one of the traits that made her so unique.


On another occassion, she said she didn't have time that week to run to Target to re-supply her prize box. So she said she was going to do something she had never done for anyone before. She grabbed her purse and opened up her wallet and handed my son a single dollar bill. If I had only known then the significance of that single dollar bill, I would of had him keep it and never would have had him spend it. Another story she told me was when she was really little.


 If I remember correctly, she said she was about three or four years old. She used to spend a lot of time with her cousins. On one particular occasion, they all had to walk down the stairs to the basement with sand pails full of coal for the heater. She said the boys would always tease her because her pail had the least amount to carry. She joked because she said she was so little and couldn't carry as much as they could, and they were so much older. Donna, she was so excited about planning your 40th birthday party. It's all she talked about weeks before your birthday last year.


 She told me about the frames everyone received to put the pictures in everyone took with you that night. She said the theme would be purple as that was your favorite color. Gail, your Mom always told me what a huge help you were to her and that she couldn't have done it without you. Grant & Nancy, Joyce loved to talk about Joya and Miles. She told me about the little game she played with Joya each time she came over. It went something like this.....Grandma knocks on the door, "Grandma's here", so Joya runs and hides. Joyce comes in and says,


"Where are you?", and as a little girl would say, not realizing she's giving away her hiding spot in her response...."Here I am Grandma, under the kitchen table, come find me". How precious! Whenever she talked about the kids her face would just light up. She would share all the cute little things the kids would say, I wish I could remember all of them, there were so many. The article you wrote about your Mom in the Mercury News, defined her so well, as with the stories above, all can see that her family was the most important thing to her. Your Mother touched so many lives. In just reading the entries in this guest book, you realize the significance. I cannot imagine the number of lives and difference she has made in the lives of the people and familes she has touched over the years.


Please know that her love, words of wisdom and life lessons taught shall live on in all who she has deeply touched. We are all truly blessed and honored to have known her. Please accept our sympathy and know that our family continues to pray daily for each of you, that the Lord will wrap his tender hands around your family during this dificult time. Should you ever need anything from us, please don't hesitate to conact me.


 Respectfully, ~ Andrea Tomassi, Fremont, California Contact Me January 16, 2007 I just learned of Joyce's passing over the weekend and was naturally saddened to hear the news. I met Joyce many years ago and enjoyed my time spent with her. I learned a lot about myself through my experiences with her and I will be eternally grateful. She was a wonderful person and I felt a real sense of warmth and genuine concern from her when I was dealing with my own struggles in life. I will always remember her for her sweet and caring nature. My thoughts and prayers are with the Palmer family.


 She is already missed. ~


 Heather Gabel, Mountain View, California Contact Me January 16, 2007 Dear Gail, Donna, Grant, Nancy and Grandbabies, You are all such a loving, living tribute to your mom and grandmother! Over the many years we have been friends and neighbors, your mother's kindness, sense of humor and genuine concern for others was so endearing to me and my family.


 She shared her wisdom and experience readily as a counselor and yet never stopped her own growth and development. Her life was extraordinary, full of thoughtful and proud reflection on rearing her dear family, increasing her own intellectual understanding and contributing that knowledge to others both personally and professionally.


 I really cherish the special times we shared and miss her presence on Larchwood Drive. It is comforting to know that through you she will continue to inspire goodness in our world. You are important members of our Larchwood community and I love you all. In His love, Ann


Smeltzer - See more at:

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